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Can I lose weight with injection lipolysis?

The therapy is not intended as a means of weight reduction but is a way of getting rid of unwanted localised deposits of fat, e.g. double chin, fat on the thighs, belly and upper arms.
Which regions of the body are especially suited for injection lipolysis?

Injection lipolysis is best suited for areas of soft fat on the belly, the face, the inside of the thighs, the back and hips. Injection lipolysis therapy also achieves good results on cellulite.
Are the deposits of fat that are treated with injection lipolysis permanently eliminated? How long do the results last?

According to the current state of knowledge, fat cells that have once been dissolved do not return. This means that the fat deposits concerned are permanently reduced. Provided your weight remains unchanged, the results of the lipolysis treatment should also remain constant.
What are the special advantages of injection lipolysis?

Injection lipolysis achieves a permanent reduction in fat deposits, especially in those places that cannot be specifically targeted by dieting or sport. The treatment is gentle, virtually pain-free, low in risk, and does not take long. Complicated pre- or post-treatment is necessary. Nor is ability to work impaired, except perhaps in the case of facial treatment.
How do I decide whether injection lipolysis or liposuction makes better sense for me?

For a long time, liposuction was the only means for removing accumulations of fat. But with the aid of injection lipolysis, it has now become possible to eliminate smallish deposits of fat with minimum intervention and minimum stress to the body. The main difference is that injection lipolysis is a non-operative method of treatment, whereas liposuction involves a surgical procedure. With liposuction, the fat disappears almost immediately. Injection lipolysis allows a slower change to the body contour, allowing the patients also to gradually get used to their change in appearance over a period of several months. Injection lipolysis is also an ideal method of treatment following liposuction in order to remove any remaining fatty tissue and also tauten the surrounding skin.ext something to introduce yourself!text something to introduce yourself!text something to introduce yourself!text something to introduce yourself!
How many treatments are necessary?

As a rule, 2-4 treatments at intervals of 8 weeks.                                                                           
Is injection lipolysis treatment painful?

As there are few nerve fibres in the subcutaneous tissue, the injections are not painful. Patients only feel a slight initial prick and, for the first 2 hours, a slight sensation of itching and burning. Only 4% of all patients need a pain-killing tablet on the first night after treatment.
Do the health insurance funds cover the costs?

As a rule, the health insurance funds will not cover any costs for therapy which is of a purely aesthetic nature. If, however, the fat deposits cause health problems such as eczema or breathing difficulties, you should consult with your health insurance fund in advance about the possibility of them assuming the costs.
What risks does injection lipolysis involve?

Immediately after treatment, slight swelling and sensitivity to pressure as well as reddening and/or itching may occur and can continue for up to 2 to 4 days. Massage, sauna visits and sport should be avoided for about 3 days. In rare cases, some hardening may occur (deep haematomas, bruises), but these disappear by themselves after 2-6 weeks. Altogether, the therapy can be regarded as low in side-effects. It therefore presents no risks if the individual health status and any resulting limitations have been clarified in advance and if you are treated by a doctor who has undergone NETWORK Lipolysis training.
For which people is injection lipolysis treatment not suitable?

Injection lipolysis treatment is not suitable for, and may not be carried out on, adolescents and children, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers, and on patients with some rare, severe diseases. A certified NETWORK Lipolysis doctor will be glad to inform you in detail whether the therapy is suitable for you during a personal consultation.


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